Islamic Militancy Exposed !
To help expose Islamic Militancy and the evil it created.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Anti-Semitism in Quran
Quran claims that it was transmitted to humanity from Allah through the agency of angel Gabriel and prophet Muhammad. Allegedly, this message was given to Muhammad in pieces over a period of 23 years (A.D. 610 to A.D. 632). Muslims claim that Allah is none other than the God of Israel of the Old Testament. They insist that Muhammad was the last great prophet from God of Israel to the whole world.
Looking into the Quran to see how it describes the Jewish people gives us a fair view into the nature of this book, which is claimed to be a revelation from God of Israel. Even a cursory overview of the Old Testament connotes us that Jews were an endeared group of people to the heart of God throughout His dealings with them. Some of the most affectionate terms were used by God to reveal His love for His people, Israel: my people, my inheritance, my wife, my son, my belonging, my sheep, the apple of my eye, my pride etc.
Now, let us look into Quran to comprehend the descriptions it gives to Jewish people.
Surah 2:65 - Pigs
Surah 3:71 - People who conceal the truth
Surah 5:41 - People who are cursed
Surah 5:60 - Apes
Surah 5:64 - Blasphemers
Surah 5:82 - Most vehement and most violent of mankind
Surah 5:64 - Not loved by Allah and sealed by him for the day of Judgment
Further, Surah 5:64 explicitly says that Allah put enmity and hatred among the Jews till the Day of Judgment. Throughout history, Muslims used all of the above phrases from Quran to describe Jewish people. Even in our own day, Imams, muftis and leaders of organizations like Hamas call Jewish people with names, ‘pigs and apes’ without any vacillation. In a recent BBC interview, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the leading imam of the Grand Mosque in the Islamic holy city of Mecca, referred to Jews as ‘the scum of the human race’.
All fundamental Islamic organizations influenced by Quran, from Palestine’s Hamas to Lebanon’s Hezbollah to Saudi Arabia’s Al-Qaeda to Pakistan’s Laskar-e-Toiba to Egypt’s Islamic Brotherhood to Philippines’ Abusayyaf to America’s Nation of Islam are known for their unconcealed anti-Semitism. Given the history of Muhammed’s dealings with Jews, this is not surprising.
Quran’s descriptions of the Jews in fact mirror the life of Muhammad in relation to the Jewish people. In the Suras of the Quran that are dated to the Meccan period of Muhammad’s lifetime, Jews are referred to as Banu Israil (children of Israel). In the later, Medinian suras, Jews are called with the term, Yahud, which has negative connotations.
‘Prophet’ Muhammad used the most ferocious means of retribution when the Jews of Medina rebutted his appeal to a prophethood. All the three major Jewish tribes of that city were either expelled or exterminated at the point of the sword of the prophet. Surah 33:25-26 describes the savagery of Muhammad towards the Jews following the Battle of the Trench.
And Allah turned back the unbelievers in their rage; they did not obtain any advantage, and Allah sufficed the believers in fighting; and Allah is Strong, Mighty.
And He drove down those of the followers of the Book who backed them from their fortresses and He cast awe into their hearts; some you killed and you took captive another part.
In the Bible we see Jewish people in fondness to the heart of God. The prophets of the Bible, even in their rejection by the Jews only wanted good and auspiciousness to the nation of Israel. When God told them to preach the message of judgment to the disobedient Israel, they did their prophesying with broken hearts and parched tongues (remember Jeremiah, for example).
On the contrary, Quran portrays God as antagonistic to Jews. The prophet of Quran, Muhammad wielded his sword on the people of God. No biblical prophet persecuted Jewish people. Muhammad’s eagerness to curse Jews reminds us of the false prophet of the Old Testament, Balaam who used seductive methods to bring curse on the Jews.
Further readings .... Islam
Quran calls the beloved people of God, the Israelites, pigs!
. . . . Old Testament connotes us that Jews were an endeared group of people to the heart of God throughout His dealings with them. Some of the most affectionate terms were used by God to reveal His love for His people, Israel: my people, my inheritance, my wife, my son, my belonging, my sheep, the apple of my eye, my pride etc.
Now, let us look into Quran to comprehend the descriptions it gives to Jewish people.
Surah 2:65 - Pigs
Surah 3:71 - People who conceal the truth
Surah 5:41 - People who are cursed
Surah 5:60 - Apes
Surah 5:64 - Blasphemers
Surah 5:82 - Most vehement and most violent of mankind
Surah 5:64 - Not loved by Allah and sealed by him for the day of Judgment . . . .
Now, enter this site to read further:
The violence at the heart of Islam
. . . the reason is the terrorists are reviving a basic Islamic doctrine, jihad, to murderously attack the West and the rest of the civilized world. The terrorists are not “extremists.”
The are the true Muslims they claim to be because they adhere strictly to the letter of the Koran, . . .
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Islam - Terrorism
"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."
Further reading, see source --
Wife Beating: Good Enough for Muhammad, Good Enough for You
The three major translations of the Qur'an from Arabic into English by Muslims were completed early in the 20th century. Though working independently, each translator came to the same conclusion concerning verse 4:34 - namely that it commands husbands to beat their wives in a manner that causes pain - if the circumstances agree. This agrees with the traditional interpretation that Islamic clerics have held since the time of Muhammad. After all, the Qur'an plainly states that men are in charge of women.
Enter the modern age, when wife-beating isn't as trendy as it used to be, and suddenly contemporary Muslim apologists living in Judeo-Christian societies are having epiphanies as to the original meaning of verse 4:34. Apparently the true intention of the verse was hidden from Islamic scholars and ordinary Muslims for fourteen centuries and it is only now coming to light that hitting a woman for any reason is "completely against Islam," which coincides, curiously enough, with the popular revulsion for such a practice (at least in the West).
Muhammad used the Arabic word 'idribuhunna' in the verse, which is derived from 'daraba' and usually does mean "to beat." Another derivation, however, means "to go abroad," which leaves our desperate apologist with an exit strategy, it seems. This is what Muhammad must have truly meant, they tell us. If a man can't get his little woman to come to her senses, then he should move out of his own house and back in with his parents until she does.
Sure, sure. This sounds like Islam, doesn't it? The religion that sprang out of the harsh Arabian Peninsula to lay waste to an ever-widening swath of homes, fields and hapless populations with shocking brutality, the religion that cannibalized entire cultures and turned vibrant people into terrorized, subordinate slaves and dhimmis... is really just intended to bring out the Alan Alda in your man after a hard day of pillaging.
But how realistic is it that Muhammad, who taught that women should be made to share their marital bed with three other wives at their husband's discretion (but stoned for adultery), who established the "triple talaq" rule that a woman can be thrown out of the house at any time, who did not disapprove of his men raping women captured in battle... how likely is it that Muhammad would be telling a man to move out of the house rather than use physical force to keep his woman in line?
Not likely. Not likely at all.
Fortunately, we don't have to guess at what Muhammad's position on wife-beating actually was and which meaning of 'daraba' he intended, since the Hadith records at least one instance in which he struck his own (underage) wife in the chest while she was lying in bed. This would be Aisha, his favorite wife, and he did so because she left the house without his permission. Now, if he treated his favorite wife this way, one can only imagine how he might have acted toward his other wives, concubines and slaves.
Naturally, the apologists leave this little tidbit out of their arguments. Neither do they educate their audience of another case that is recorded in one of Islam's most sacred books in which a woman came to Muhammad for help after being beaten so badly by her husband that "her skin was greener than her clothes." The prophet simply rebuked the woman and sent her back to her man with explicit instructions to have more sex.
Look, we're all in favor of Muslims bringing their religion out of the 7th century, but if this can only be done through strategic omission and fringe sophistry, then we have to ask what is the point of salvaging Islam? Why not just pick another religion that's closer to what you want Islam to be?
Oh, that's right the Religion of Peace threatens murder for anyone who leaves.
Never has this means of intimidation been more necessary than in the information age, when many Muslims are learning for the first time about the history and true teachings of their religion, and how poorly it contrasts with others.
[Additional Note (5-19-06) - Not all Western Muslims are as intent on disguising their religion with slight-of-hand. The multilingual site, is quite blunt about the four conditions under which a husband may beat his wife:
Discipline. The husband has the right to discipline his wife if she disobeys him in something good, not if she disobeys him in something sinful, because Allaah has enjoined disciplining women by forsaking them in bed and by hitting them, when they do not obey.
The Hanafis mentioned four situations in which a husband is permitted to discipline his wife by hitting her. These are: not adorning herself when he wants her to; not responding when he calls her to bed and she is taahirah (pure, i.e., not menstruating); not praying; and going out of the house without his permission.
Original source --