Muslims Taking Christians As Slaves
Christian Solidarity International Helps Free Christians Enslaved by Muslim Raiders
By Dave Hinz - Publisher
The systematic rape, murder and enslavement of the black Christian Sudanese African tribes by Muslim raiders from the north have been going on now, for decades, if not centuries. But finally something has changed. A Christian group Christian Solidarity International is buying back the freedom of some of those slaves.
Last week, 96 Black Sudanese were liberated and returned to their home areas in Southern Sudan. This action, supported by Christian Solidarity International (CSI), was undertaken by the Arab-Dinka peace committees at the Warawar and Manger Ater markets, just South of war-torn Darfur.
This latest slave liberation action coincides with U.S. Congressman Chris Smith's preparations to reintroduce a bill to establish an independent Commission to Monitor Slavery and its Eradication in Sudan.
Rep Smith, R-NJ first introduced the legislation, HR-5911 into the 109th Congress in 2006 but it was never acted upon. The CSI has long been calling for the US Congress to set up such a Commission. In February, following the release by the Sudanese government of 273 slaves, CSI appealed to President George W. Bush to establish an independent commission to monitor the eradication of slavery in Sudan.
At that time, in a CSI Press Release it was noted:
Last week, CSI provided survival kits and food to 273 recently freed Black Sudanese slaves. The slaves were liberated and returned from Northern Sudan to three locations in the South – Malwal Kon, Turalei and Gok Machar – by the Sudanese Government’s Committee for the Eradication of the Abduction of Women and Children (CEAWC).
The freed slaves were mainly women and children who had been captured by Sudanese government-backed Muslim militias during two decades of civil war. While in bondage many of the slaves were subjected to rape, frequent beatings, racial insults and forced conversions to Islam.
The slave repatriations took place between 31 January and 4 February. Sudanese government officials crammed the freed slaves into open-topped, seat-less trucks for a two-day drive in 100°F-plus heat. This small-scale repatriation was the first undertaken by the Sudanese government since last spring when more than 400 slaves were reportedly transported south.
CEAWC has recorded the names and locations of over 8,000 slaves who are waiting in Northern Sudan for repatriation. But CEAWC officials informed CSI that the Sudanese government had not yet released funds for further repatriations, and reported that the authorities in Khartoum seemed to have lost interest in the country’s slavery problem since the signing of the peace agreement with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in January 2005.
The existence of slavery in Islam today is well documented. Yet western governments and the press are hesitant, for some reason to admit that fact. Whether they fear to confront Islamic regimes that still condone this barbaric practice, or are merely indifferent to the plight of black slaves, organizations such as CSI have found it difficult to recruiting official recognition of the practice.
Reports from African tribal villages tell a sordid tale. Muslims from the North sweep into their village, killing the men and raping the women and children. They then take many of the children to act as sex slaves or to work on their farms.
All of the freed slaves were males, mainly boys and young men. They were enslaved after being captured by the Arab/Muslim militias, supported by the Government of Sudan, during its war against the Southern Sudan-based Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) from 1983 to 2005.
All of the freed slaves worked for masters in the cattle camps in Darfur and neighboring Kordofan.
The majority of those freed said they had been subjected to severe psychological and physical abuse while in captivity:
• 100% claimed forced labor, without pay, under the threat of violence
• 99% said they experienced frequent beatings
• 98% said they were racially insulted.
• 86% said they were forced to convert to Islam
• 51% said they witnessed the gruesome execution of other slaves
Six of the 96 males who were freed said they had been raped by their masters, while in captivity.
The peaceful religion of Islam, as practiced by the Janjaweed and the Murahaleen in Sudan, routinely take black slaves as children, forcing them to convert to Islam.
Among those who said they were sexual abused, is one who also said his master slashed his face with a knife and frequently beat him. He said he was enslaved at age 10, forced to convert to Islam and renamed Ali.
Tens of thousands of Southern Sudanese slaves remain in bondage in Northern Sudan, notwithstanding the January 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the SPLA. The UN reports that Black Sudanese are enslaved by Arab militias in Darfur, especially for sexual purposes.
Further information about the CSI can be obtained by contacting:
M. Sliwa Public Relations
Phone:973-272-2861, 212-202-4453 of
Christian Solidarity International
Keith Roderick at 202-498-8644
Heidi McGuinness at 303-477-1577 and 303-477-1934 or cell: 720-984-4488
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