How to fight against Jihadi Terrorism? 3P
Koran and Hadith encourage and motivate Muslims to fight against infidels.
Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and all non-believers are target for attack. They often seek to identify infidels as targets because of their ideological beliefs.
Jihadis justify terrorism by rationalization and show no fear, guilt, remorse, shame or empathy.
Islam is a control system, a closed dogma and it is designed to exclude dialogue, outside input, and forbid freethinking. Whatever Muslims do, wherever they go, Muslims are mandated to maintain status quo of the closed paradigm. They cannot tolerate the existence of different versions of the closed Islamic paradigm. Differences within the Islamic paradigm are settled with war (Sunni against Shia, Ahamedia, and Bahai). In so doing, this provides more conviction for those committed to the paradigm tightly.
Islam cannot and will not tolerate any emerging cosmic, epistemological, scientific, philosophical concepts if it is a threat to core components of Islam.
Muslims are forced to neutralize new ideas by the power and control system of the Islamic clergy. Islamic states use force and other control mechanisms including Fatwa to maintain equilibrium and the closed Islamic thought system.
Their goal is to make the world as Darul-Islam (the house of Islam) where Islam rules and the non-Muslims world as Darul-Harb (the house of war) that has to be conquered. The non-Muslim world should be terrorized, intimidated, oppressed and conquered for Muslims.
This is found in this site !
Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and all non-believers are target for attack. They often seek to identify infidels as targets because of their ideological beliefs.
Jihadis justify terrorism by rationalization and show no fear, guilt, remorse, shame or empathy.
Islam is a control system, a closed dogma and it is designed to exclude dialogue, outside input, and forbid freethinking. Whatever Muslims do, wherever they go, Muslims are mandated to maintain status quo of the closed paradigm. They cannot tolerate the existence of different versions of the closed Islamic paradigm. Differences within the Islamic paradigm are settled with war (Sunni against Shia, Ahamedia, and Bahai). In so doing, this provides more conviction for those committed to the paradigm tightly.
Islam cannot and will not tolerate any emerging cosmic, epistemological, scientific, philosophical concepts if it is a threat to core components of Islam.
Muslims are forced to neutralize new ideas by the power and control system of the Islamic clergy. Islamic states use force and other control mechanisms including Fatwa to maintain equilibrium and the closed Islamic thought system.
Their goal is to make the world as Darul-Islam (the house of Islam) where Islam rules and the non-Muslims world as Darul-Harb (the house of war) that has to be conquered. The non-Muslim world should be terrorized, intimidated, oppressed and conquered for Muslims.
This is found in this site !